
Die Grundidee der FutureMap: ZuKunft greifbarer machen. Die Folgen des AcceleratingChange für den eigenen LebensEntwurf vor Augen führen. We want to dream, InVent and PreDict the future of NooPolis, PlanetEarth and the entire NooSphere. Therefore we use FutureCard's, which are arranged on a TimeLine by our CitiZens. Each FutureCard has:
  • a page in the MindWiki (with a unique WikiPage-Name)
  • a clear and simple one line PreDict'ion.
  • a CardOwner who is the "human voice and face" of this card.
  • a CardHolder who is currently holding the physical card. If the CardOwner is not the CardHolder, the FutureCard has to be sent to the CardOwner __AsAp__ via MindPost.
  • an "UnTil"-value which has to be defined by the CardOwner. Only values between 2008 and 9999 are allowed
  • a ForSaleFor-price, for which the CardOwner will immediately sell his FutureCard (preferred currency: KayGroschen, or EuRo or UsDollar if the CardOwner isn't one of the CitiZens of NooPolis yet)
  • Other CitiZens can PreDict different "UnTil"-Dates on the FutureCard. We started to discuss causal dependencies between different FutureCard's. Soon, the position of a FutureCard must be consistent with the average PreDict'ions of CitiZens. ||UnTil||FutureCard ||CardOwner |2008|FurchtloseHundert |YvonneSchubert |2010|FurchtloseTausend |SimonKoeppl |2010|FurchtloseZehntausend |HeikeRibke |2010|RaiNer |ChristineSchlinck |2012|MindShift |RainerWasserfuhr |2012|AnneWillSingularity |RainerWasserfuhr |2018|GoogleFog |ChristineSchlinck |2018|ComputerGo |MartinRoell |2019|ZwingeRasimo |HeidiGallinat |2030|LongBetOne |MartinRoell |2030|NacktSichtBrille |HeikeRibke |2030|PhaetonBallett |PeterMichel |2030|TheSingularity |VernorVinge |2030|PetaBitPlatte |ChristineSchlinck |2030|RainerTest |DanielPoodratchi |2040|LunarSteigenberger |RainerWasserfuhr |2047|RainerWasserfuhrStirbt|RainerWasserfuhr |2050|TuiLuna |ChristineSchlinck |2059|TerraDsl |JoergKeller |2055|BlackSwan |*reserviert* |2070|MindTower |HeikeRibke

    Ownerless FutureCard's:

    |2009|EarthLife |2010|MindTowerZwo |2010|SemanticEconomy |2012|GoogleLife |2012|LifeCellOne |2012|LummaTuete |2012|PieschenerRevolution |2012|PolyBody |2012|SleepLess |2014|PieschenTower |2015|EigenRisk |2015|ElbOper |2015|GrueterichInternationalAirport |2015|KoalaBaerSteak |2015|MindEyes |2015|OneLaptopPerMind |2015|PieschenPalast |20151231|MindTower-Baubeginn |2018|NanoBoro |2019|SystemClash |2019|RealFilm-Premiere |20200401|GruenesWunder |2020|GeheimProjekt |2020|MindWater |2020|TransRapid |2020|WyrdMind |2022|TrueLove |2025|GlaesernerMensch |2028|NewMind |2029|LongBetOne |2030|GoogleMind |2035|AlleAugenLeben |2035|BioMind |2042|MindSummit |2050|FruchtBlase |2050|NooSphere |2054|LebensErwartung von ChristineSchlinck |2065|LebensErwartung von YvonneSchubert |2100|GlobusCassus More cards, without >UnTil<-PreDict'ion:
  • MindTowerZwo
  • GoogleSpaceTower
  • PieschenTower
  • GlaesernesUnternehmen
  • GlaeserneBank
  • GoogleLife
  • FurchtloseMillion
  • MindTower
  • WeltSprache
  • GoogleMind
  • GoogleMindPro
  • CraigKriek
  • ImMortal
  • GlaesernerMensch
  • UpLoad
  • HiltonCentauri
  • MgmGrandOrion